Increased Number of Arrest of Jews, Summer 1938 Report By American Embassy, 16 June 1938 Source: John Mendelsohn ed., The Holocaust, Vol. 1, (New-York 1982), p. 136-7 Telegram received from Berlin, June 16, 1938 Secretary of State, Washington. June 16, 11 a.m. Evidence is received that since the beginning of the week a fairly large scale series of arrests of Jews has been carried out in Berlin and, according to some reports, in other cities as well. It appears that those arrested are Jews whose names appear on the police records in connection with earlier investigations and offences including those of the most minor kind presumably settled some time ago. No information is given concerning the number of arrests, the charges to be brought, or the disposition to be made of the prisoners, although it is understood that the latter are being submitted to physical examinations to determine possibly if they might be sent to concentration camps or be employed to perform forced manual labour. Jewish leaders are of the opinion that this new wave of persecution which is being directed by the police instead of as formerly by the uniformed party groups can only be intended to encourage emigration. In this latter connection attention is called to a German press report of last week that at the present rate of emigration thirty years would be required before the last Jew left Germany. Wilson